Welcome to Prairie Land Management,
Inc. (PLM)
designers of ultimate habitats for
Farmers, Ranchers and Habitat Enthusiasts!
PLM is an organization developed to assist landowners
with designing, implementing and managing ultimate habitat
options that greatly increase the ability of the property
to attract and hold much, much more wildlife. As well,
recreation and aesthetics will be greatly increased
on the property due to the unique design and high diversity
from grasses to trees to food sources with substantial
linear habitat and travel lanes connecting all the habitat
it is truly a unique experience! These land
use and habitat options often increase farming efficiency
and increase farm profitability as well for a true win-win
We develop cost-effective management to promote diversity
within the landscape while utilizing the most productive
soils for agricultural and valuable wildlife food sources.
Whether you are planting grasses, trees, food plots
or restoring wetlands, PLM can help assure that your
habitat projects are a financial and recreational success!
We are very proud at being timely and successful at
achieving landowner goals and objectives.
News & Upcoming Events |
PLM's High Quality and Affordable Food Plot & Native Prairie Seeds goes on sale for 2014! [more] March 7-9, 2014: MN Deer Classic, Kyle Thompson, PLM CEO, will provide seminars on "Small Property Management for Whitetails" March 26-30, 2014: NW Sport Show...stop by the PLM booth for information and product discounts April 5, 2014: Pope County Expo...stop by the PLM booth for information and product discounts April 25-27, 2014: Wing Shooting and Wildlife Show...Kyle Thompson, PLM CEO, will provide seminars on "Small Property Management for Whitetails", "Waterfowl...Why Do All the Ducks Go to that Pond!" and "MN Pheasants...Dead Hens Don't Lay Eggs!" Aug 8-10, 15-17, 2014: Game Fair - Anoka, MN January 27 - 29, 2012: Rochester Sport and Vacation Show, Kyle Thompson, PLM CEO, seminar speaker [more] February, 2012: Alexandria Vikings Sportsman's Club Sport Show [more] March, 2012: Kyle Thompson, PLM CEO, Key note speaker for the Blue Grass Quality Deer Management Banquet [more] March 9 - 11, 2012: MN Deer Classic, Kyle Thompson, PLM CEO, seminar speaker [more] April, 2012: Tracy Sportsman Show [more] March 28 - April 1, 2012: Northwest Sport Show [more] April - June: PLM's Spring Schedule begins with site prep, prescribed burning, planting, etc. July - August: PLM's Maintenance Schedule begins with mowing, spraying and site inspections August 10,11,12 & 17,18,19, 2012: Game Fair in Anoka, MN [more] September - November: PLM's Fall Schedule begins with site prep and planting January 2007 - PLM CEO Kyle Thompson appointed to Chair of MN Pheasant Oversight Committee November 2, 2004: PLM CEO appointed to MN State Pheasant Stamp Oversight Committee [more]